Here on the frontier, There are falling leaves, Although my neighbors are all barbarions…And you? You are a thousand miles away. There are always two cups on my table.

Posts tagged ‘Randyland’

Simple Living. Where The Eye And Heart Can Rest.


I love this blogger who is a bona-fide writer.

She recently blogged about Randy from Pittsburgh who creates street art.

His focus is revitalizing the neighborhoods with his vibrant colorful art.

He creates gardens and landscapes as well.

Quite the awesome dude.

Thanks to Maura for throwing a light on Randy and introducing him to peeps like me through her blog.

Years ago I was a Randy wannabee.

The only difference between Randy and I? I have no artistic sensibility.

But I didn’t let that stop me.

My canvas was our family bathroom. A spare 4 by 8 foot utilitarian white, waiting for me.

I went with cow spot.

I painted huge black splotches.

Cow hide covered the ceiling and walls. I bought a couple of farm prints and hung those.

Cow hand towels hugged the towel bar. I even had a cow shower curtain.

Everyone commented on the cow bathroom. I was artistically fulfilled.

When it came time to sell this house the realtor advised us to paint the cow bathroom white. “What??” I cried “Absolutely not, everyone loves the cow bathroom.  It adds value to the house!”

From his expression I could see he did not agree. Paint over the cow bathroom???

I sulked the day it was done. Goodbye cow bathroom. But the funny thing was. When it was done the bathroom looked so much bigger.  So much calmer. Peaceful even. I hung white towels and bleached  the counters and the room was transformed from a joke to something of an oasis.

Ever since, when I get the urge to go wild with color and theme,  I say to myself, less is more.

Edit, edit, edit.

In how few elements can I do this.  In how few words can I communicate a thought.

The most important word is 4 letters.

The most important emotion can be expressed in a touch.

When you break life down in to its base elements you can see what is really there.

What the truth is.

One yellow sun.

One gray moon.

One blue earth.

This is gmom and Hoo,

living simply,

And simply living.

Peace out.